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Ex.Miami OR Coral Springs OR Boca Raton 33319 OR 33321 OR 33467
F10458051 - 277 NE 82nd St 2, El Portal, FL 33138 203 Days on yellowkey
$1,099 Increased | Efficiency | 1 beds | 1.0 baths
**I can work with you on the deposit** Cozy Eff/Studio with kitchenette and 1 bathroom. Sect8 acceptable. MUST HAVE PROVABLE INCOME, FULL CREDIT REPORT, BACKGROUND CHECK. EVICTION HISTORY REPORT. UPFRONT FIRST MONTH RENT AND 2 MONTHS SECURITY DEPOSIT MANDATORY. There is a kitchen sink for exterior BBQ entertainment. Furnishings are negotiable as a monthly rental.
Listing is courtesy of: Fraga Realty
F10457910 - 277 NE 82nd St 3, El Portal, FL 33138 204 Days on yellowkey
$1,199 Increased | Efficiency | 1 beds | 1.0 baths